Promoting work/life balance in the workplace


Promoting work/life balance in the workplace by Jack and Ferdi

How companies should promote work/life balance in the workplace

 Being able to distinguish the difference between work and personal life can be difficult for many people. Spending all day at work, just to go home and continue working is very common for the average person nowadays. It is very important for companies to encourage their employees to understand the benefits that come with a well-balanced daily routine, where workers are able to fulfill their work responsibilities, while enjoying some free time with their families and having the chance to relax. This will result in happier and healthier employees, which will not only improve the work environment, but will also create better results for the company.

 Chronic stress is the most common health issue seen by companies around the world. This can trigger many dangerous health conditions with terrible consequences which usually leads to worker burn out. Being able to maintain a healthy work/life balance is beneficial for the company and its workers. A survey conducted by TrueCareers of 1,500 workers, found that more than 70 percent of them thought they did not have a healthy work/life balance which resulted in heavy amounts of stress.  

 Now that we know a good work/life balance is beneficial for a company and their workers, how should they start promoting it?

 Companies should first start off by listening to the needs of their employees. Different companies and workers have different demands, which means they need to try to recognize the needs of their employees and implement strategies that will be beneficial for both of them. By starting off by developing and encouraging an environment of support in the workplace and at home, companies will be better prepared to create the most beneficial work/life balance proposal for their employees.

 Some examples are offering a more flexible work schedule, paid time off (PTO), and encouraging employees to take advantage of their vacations without worrying about work when on a break.  With technology becoming a big part of everyday work, some companies who can afford to do so, are now encouraging people to telecommute to work for at least one day a week, reflecting good feedback from workers and creating better results.

 Companies are starting to realize that implementing work/life balance strategies results in increased performance and work quality from their workers. A study directed into the results of a company’s commitment to work/life balance resulted in finding that almost 45 percent of men and 50 percent of women would not accept a promotion if it meant taking time away from their families. Understanding the value people hold to their personal lives and families is extremely important into creating a comfortable environment where people can enjoy their professional and personal lives separately.

 When implementing new strategies, it is also very important to lead by example. Workers will tend to mirror some of the behavior seen from their managers, so it is important for managers and department heads to practice what they preach and enjoy their own time off. By creating a culture where people get to disconnect from their professional lives for a while, they will eventually enjoy and value their work more, stay engaged, develop brand loyalty and create better results. It will also create healthier employees, which will result in a lower cost of health care, which is a very large overhead companies deal with each year.

 By helping employees understand the importance of a healthy work/life balance, Companies will be able to see a positive change in the relationships they hold with their employees, a better environment at the workplace and improved and improved quality and results.

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